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Changing Your inner Question that runs your life

  1. We need to explore what is the train of thought you default into when you have a problem or faced with a situation.
  2. We need to deconstruct your current disempowering unconscious question that runs the show whether we think about it or not. We need to identify and critically analyze what the underlying thoughts are and thought patterns we default to and why it is so.
  3. We need to formulate a more congruent empowering question that serves you in your life that is strategically aligned to your higher values system ensuring that they are congruent to your innate tendencies, your values, your needs and your being-ness?

When you become aware of what you have been unconsciously doing, living and being then only will you engage in the change of that “unconscious being” state, bring it to the conscious front and then plant the seeds you were once meant to sow in the first place. It’s never too late.

See, you probably didn’t have the tools, skills and awareness of the seeds of your disempowering question that you planted a long time back. Now you do because you suppressed it long enough and it is exploding at the seams. You may have denied that it even existed. You may have just stuck your head in the sand hoping that it will just disappear on its own.

Those issues showed up for a purpose and until you deal with them and resolve them, they will continue to show up time and time again with the same patterns and lessons. Until you learn your lesson and actually evolve to level up to the next level of an awareness of your actions. If you don’t then the same lesson will present in a different form. You will be forced to take care of it, deal with it and attend to it so you can be free of it’s automatic control over you. You may then feel freedom in that part of your life. The journey of Your Awakening begins.

Change Your Question
Change Your Life

Question your Question.

But why?

Why do we want to question our questions?

What is the quality of our questions?

Are we just searching for ‘an’ answer or are you searching for THE answer? That is the real Question.

Then comes the ‘But Why?’ (Like a 4 year old child).

But why? But Why? But Why?” and you keep on asking this and other variations of it. You keep going in circles.

But if you asked the right questions your unconscious mind will so cleverly give you the answer that aligns to your soul and its calling.

So, you ask, how do I know what the right questions are?

How can anyone know this?

A person who has been there and done that will have an idea.

A trained eye seeking for patterns and black holes will spot it and may leave you with an empowering question that sabotages or conflicts with other parts of you. You get somewhat there but you find that you still have blocks.

An expert eye will also know how to realign your new empowering question that does not manifest doubt and seed other disempowering unconscious threads running in your biome but they will realign your new question with absolute congruency with your true be-ingness, with no emotional blocks.

This is where an expert NLP coach comes in.

Feel free to Ask me any questions you may have about this.

The Power of YOUR Answer is only as good as the power of YOUR question.

Let’s explore the Power of YOUR New Empowering Question.

Let’s play with it.

Let’s fully charge your empowering question with energy and powerful structure to serve and align you with your highest Super Concious level to live the life of your dreams and ultimately your destiny.

Get in touch with us right now and start serving Yourself First.

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